Elise Shrock
Strategic Communications
Over two decades of policymaking, advocacy, and campaigning have taught me something:
It seems counterintuitive to the rock 'em sock 'em arena in which high-profile institutional change takes place, but there is nothing that replaces clarity, consistency, and good old-fashioned gut instinct. I have that. And I work at it as a personal and daily discipline.
So, if you or your organization find yourself in a bind and need a cool head to guide you through a storm, let me help you carry that load. I've got the strategic advocacy experience and crisis communications expertise to do it. If you need help getting your ideas out onto paper, let's strategize together how to best contextualize your data to tell a compelling story. If you want to forge more meaningful relationships with the media, I'll help. Need to brush up on your interviewing and on-camera skills? I got you. I have a fair amount of public speaking and media appearances in my wheelhouse, too. And I'm always happy to speak about the issuess I am most passionate about. Women's empowerment, recovery, spirituality, and political engagement- just to name a few.
I'm so glad you stopped by. Stay for as little or as long as you like. Please drop me a line if I can be helpful in any way.